Book Errata (1st Edition)

Chapter 2

Volatile variables

On page 54:

This means that the main thread always sees the write of the thread that found set and hence prints at least one position other than -1.

The words found and set should be inverted, and there is a missing comma:

This means that the main thread always sees the write of the thread that set found, and hence prints at least one position other than -1.

Thanks anonymous reader!

Chapter 3

CAS pseudocode

On page 70, the following code snippet is shown as the pseudocode of the CAS operation:

// Incorrect
def compareAndSet(ov: Long, nv: Long): Boolean =
  this.synchronized {
    if (this.get == ov) false else {

This is not consistent with the text – CAS returns false if the current value is different than the expected value ov. The actual pseudocode should be the following:

// Correct
def compareAndSet(ov: Long, nv: Long): Boolean =
  this.synchronized {
    if (this.get != ov) false else {

Similarly, the reference-based CAS should be (note ne instead of eq):

// Correct
def compareAndSet(ov: T, nv: T): Boolean =
  this.synchronized {
    if (this.get ne ov) false else {

Thanks Normen Müller!

ABA problem

On page 78:

In the preceding example, the ABA problem manifests itself in the execution of the thread T2. Having first read the value of the state field in the Entry object with the get method and with the compareAndSet method later, thread T2 assumes that the value of the state field has not changed between these two writes. In this case, this leads to a program error.

Instead of between these two writes, it should read between these two accesses.

Thanks anonymous reader!

Atomic buffers

On page 84, the AtomicBuffer example is as follows:

class AtomicBuffer[T] {
  private val buffer = new AtomicReference[List[T]](Nil)
  @tailrec def +=(x: T): Unit = {
    val xs = buffer.get
    val nxs = x :: xs
    if (!buffer.compareAndSet(xs, nxs)) this += x

The method += is tail recursive, so it should be either final or private. Since we want to expose += to the clients, we need to mark it with final, as follows:

@tailrec final def +=(x: T): Unit = {
  val xs = buffer.get
  val nxs = x :: xs
  if (!buffer.compareAndSet(xs, nxs)) this += x

Thanks Normen Müller!

Chapter 9

Scalable Concurrent Accumulator

On page 331, the scalable concurrent accumulator specialized for Longs is not properly initializing the total value in its apply method.

class ParLongAccumulator(z: Long)(op: (Long, Long) => Long) {
  private val par = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 128
  private val values = new AtomicLongArray(par)
  @tailrec final def add(v: Long): Unit = {
    val id = Thread.currentThread.getId.toInt
    val i = math.abs(scala.util.hashing.byteswap32(id)) % par
    val ov = values.get(i)
    val nv = op(ov, v)
    if (!values.compareAndSet(i, ov, nv)) add(v)
  def apply(): Long = {
    var total = 0L
    for (i <- 0 until values.length) total = op(total, values.get(i))

The current implementation of apply ignores the z constructor argument for neutral accumulator elements, and only works correctly if op is, for example, addition. The apply method should initialize the local variable total with z instead of 0L.

  def apply(): Long = {
    var total = z
    for (i <- 0 until values.length) total = op(total, values.get(i))

Thanks Yuki N.!